Worrying about dementia as you age is understandable. The idea that you won’t be able to care for yourself or that you’ll lose fundamental parts of your identity because of dementia is scary. This fear may lead you to wonder if there is anything you can do to reduce your risk. Can dementia be slowed down?
The answers to these questions are complicated. Many of the factors that increase your risk are out of your control, and some of the causes of dementia are unknown. However, research indicates there are factors you can control. This post will explore steps you can take to reduce your risk and could slow the progression of dementia.
Can Dementia Be Slowed Down? Steps You Can Take
Watch Your Cardiovascular Health
Growing evidence shows that good cardiovascular health can reduce one’s risk for dementia. High blood pressure stresses the heart and increases one’s risk for vascular dementia. Evidence also indicates that high blood pressure increases the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Whether through medication or lifestyle changes, one should reduce one’s blood pressure and manage cardiovascular health.
Manage Your Weight
Maintaining a healthy weight is vital for reducing dementia risk. There are links between obesity and a higher risk of cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s disease. It also contributes to issues with diabetes and heart disease, both of which are risk factors for dementia.
Stay Socially Active
Research shows that being socially active can reduce risk and possibly slow the progression of dementia. Interacting with other people stimulates the mind in ways you can’t replicate. Meet with friends and family regularly. If you don’t have many people in your social network, you can join groups or clubs. Your local community center might also have support groups for seniors.
Eat Well
Your diet can play a role in dementia prevention. A healthy diet can help with blood pressure issues, diabetes, and weight. Avoid eating a lot of fatty foods and refined sugar. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. Research also suggests that certain nutrients can also be good for reducing dementia risk.
Get More Physical Activity
Research has also shown a link between regular exercise and reduced risk of dementia. Exercise helps with heart health, diabetes, and weight management. Seniors should try for at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week. Create a diverse exercise plan that combines aerobic, strength training, and balance workouts.
Exercise Your Mind
Dementia prevention also requires exercise for the mind. Keep your mind sharp with activities like reading, playing cards, or taking up an artistic hobby. Consider learning a new skill.
The Mountain Side of Warm Springs fosters an environment of purpose and independence for our residents. We aim to ensure an enjoyable, fulfilling life for the seniors in our care. Click here to learn more about our customized senior services. You can also click here for information about our suites.
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